What is Acupuncture
Acupuncture is an ancient system of healing. The earliest books were written 4,500 years ago and today, world-wide, there are over three million practitioners.
Acupuncture began with the discovery that the stimulation of specific areas of the skin affected the functioning of certain organs of the body. It evolved into a system of healing as the connection between the skin and the organs was better understood and more sensitive ways of stimulation were devised.
In the West, acupuncture has been misleadingly publicized as only being helpful in specific conditions, for example, pain or weight loss; whereas, in fact, it is extremely effective in a wide variety of conditions through its power to stimulate our own healing responses.
This overall therapeutic effect is one of its great strengths.
What can treatment help?
Many people have treatment to help with a specific symptom or condition. For example:
- anxiety states
- arthritis
- asthma
- back pain
- circulatory problems
- depression
- facial paralysis
- fibrosis See more treatments here
Classical Acupuncture is based in Port Jefferson, New York.
Christie Harrington is a fully licensed New York practitioner.